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Graduation Gap of Special Education graduation special education graduation Nov 13, 2021


According to the Special Education Elementary Longitudinal Study (SEELS), 92% of parents expected their child to graduate from high school with a regular diploma and
75% expected their child go on to post-secondary education after high school.


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SAAFP & Transition saafp transition transition goals Nov 06, 2021

Where Am I?  Where Am I Going?

And just how am I going to get there? Questions that all students struggle with and those in special education programs struggle with even more because those answers demand so much self- knowledge, self- advocacy, empowerment and direction. Traditionally,...

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Tips 4 Teens with IEP's teen empowerment teen self advocacy Oct 30, 2021

 Empowerment = Self Advocacy

Empowerment is the process of becoming stronger and more confident in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights.

Empowerment is one of those things you gift to yourself. Empowerment can not be given to you by someone else. The more you practice empowerment...

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Transition and Career Awareness person centered planning post secondary education transition goals Oct 23, 2021


The assumption of competence on the part of parents, teachers and other authority figures who have contact with students who have intellectual or physical challenges can have a huge impact on post-secondary employment, education, lifestyle and life satisfaction....

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Making Transition Work accommodations iep goals post secondary education self advocacy transition Oct 16, 2021

Self Advocacy Makes Transitions Work

If the truth be told, when it comes to transition, parents are frequently in the dark as to all of the areas that transition covers and just how comprehensive the umbrella of transition can be for their student. When there are inexperienced teachers, or other...

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Healthcare Transition at 18 healthcare medical needs Oct 09, 2021

Go To Guide To Healthcare Transition 

 A GO TO GUIDE for HEALTHCARE TRANSITION that ensures that all of the students needs are being addressed. Transition in the healthcare domain is the process of changing from a pediatric to an adult model of healthcare with the goal of optimizing...

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Self Determination self advocacy self determination transition Oct 02, 2021


It can be quite amazing when you have two students with evaluation profiles that are fairly similar yet you can tell that one is going to be able to create a life for themselves while the other seems destined to being maintained in a life that others create for them....

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Tips 4 Teens With IEP's Sep 24, 2021


“STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK MY BONES, BUT WORDS WILL NEVER HURT ME” is, to say the least, highly inaccurate. In fact, if you are the target of those words it can feel like you are the world’s greatest loser with this great big “L” tattooed on your forehead....

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Tools for Transition Sep 18, 2021


IDEA defines transition as a “results-oriented process” focused on improving academic and functional achievement that supports successful post-secondary training and programs, vocational training, work, independent living, recreation,...

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Person Centered Planning II Sep 11, 2021

5 Step Road Map for Person Centered Planning

5 steps that walk you through the entire process of Person Centered Planning. Regardless of the talents available without a plan for the planning, co-ordination and communication breaks down so once again we have a person wanting to be included, to...

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Person Centered Planning person centered planning Sep 11, 2021

Life Plan of Possibilities & Discoveries

for Those Who are Disabled.


Person Centered Planning has the goal of allowing a person to move away from a number of obstacles and challenges to participation. It is hoped that PCP can move a person from

  • isolation and seclusion to a community...
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Tips 4 Teens Stand Up 4 You Aug 28, 2021




I hope you already agree and think you are cool. If not - what is your definition of coolness?  Are you someone who looks in the mirror and sees only how too you are? You know, you are too short, too tall, have hair that is too curly, too...

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