The U.S. Department of Education WANTS YOU!!!! NOW

Special Education Advocates Are Highly Valued -

By The U.S. Department Of Education


In a land where coffee flows like rivers and memes reign supreme, there exists a peculiar group known as special education advocates. These valiant warriors of inclusion, armed with stacks of paperwork and hearts full of compassion, have a single mission: to ensure that every child receives the education they deserve. Yet, despite their noble cause, they find themselves trapped in a vortex of...

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LRE = Gateway to Inclusion

Equality, Equity and LRE

When the federal government finally said that the school district could not simply declare that a child "could not be educated" and send them home in 1975 with the federal Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA ),it was the beginning of many new policies in education. One of those new policies was eventually understood as Least Restrictive Environment. Looking at  the concept of Least Restrictive Environment, it becomes clear that policy certainly...

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