Special Education Advocacy TODAY!
Social Cognition
social awareness
social cognition
social competence
social skills
social sprocessing
Jul 10, 2022
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Functional social competence is the effective and fluent use of social awareness, social processing, social skills, and social cognition to interpret and analyze social environments and use social behavior to achieve one’s individual and group goals. This is done through the flexible use of...
Processing Social Information
social cognition
social competence
social skills
Jun 18, 2022
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Anyone know why a person with a PhD is working at a fast-food place? If you think it is because they may not have very good social skills, you have maybe 20% of the answer. Actually, they may have some very reasonable social skills; however, like most topics connected to learning, the...
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Information provided is for Advocacy and IEP development and not legal or medical advice nor does it replace such advice.
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