Are Children More Emotionally Dysregulated Post Covid?

You know what I mean.  We’ve all seen that poor frazzled mom in the grocery store, right?  Talking through her teeth, trying to reason with a crying child, while both voices escalate and frustration bubbles over.  Then, what follows is the inevitable look of defeat on one of their faces, depending on who won the battle in the checkout line over the candy bar.  You glance her way with a sympathetic nod to show your solidarity, quietly letting out a small sigh of...

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Education Advocate Runs For School Board

Should An Education Advocate Run For The School Board?

There have been several cases where a person with special education advocacy experience has run for the school board. There was, of course, hue and cry on both sides of the issue any time it presented itself.

Some people were afraid that the advocate would favor special education students and bankrupt the district. It is not unusual for people to think that everything related to special education is exceedingly expensive when there are...

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Gifted Students Need Support

Gifted students need supports just like musicians and athletes. They need to be guided by teachers who are trained and supported in providing gifted education. The gifted student needs to be continually challenged and supported to fully develop their talents. In a survey of teachers,it was found that 73% of teachers believe that the brightest students are bored and under-challenged in school (Fordham Institute...

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The last of the five curriculums you will find in an IEP is that for behavior. The behavior curriculum is implemented when a student’s behavior impedes the student’s learning or that of others. At that point the IEP team must consider the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports, and other strategies, to address a broad base of behaviors. This includes the major goal of any SEL behavioral curriculum - the development of healthy, happy...

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Provocative Language - A Misunderstood Behavior - Autism, ADHD, TBI, and Tourette Syndrome

Provocative Language provides information on the interface between psychological practice, applied behavioral analysis, and social cognition training in an area that affects the education and welfare of children with specific disabilities like Autism, ADHD, TBI, and Tourette Syndrome. It provides insights on working with schools, mental health providers, and the criminal justice system. It describes principles for best practices and recommends procedures to be followed in IEP and goal...

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