Crucial Role for Speech & Language Pathologists II

SLPs Drive the Success of ACC & SGD Implementation

Welcome to the final part of our blog series on Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) and Speech Generating Devices (SGDs). In our last post, we delved into the key responsibilities of speech and language pathologists (SLPs). Now, let's continue to explore their crucial role in AAC/SGD implementation.

More Responsibilities of an SLP

  1. Providing the Appropriate AAC/SGD System: SLPs provide the appropriate AAC/SGD system and...

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I KNOW HOW to Disagree With the IEP.

Making the System Work FOR You

WHAT SHOULD PARENTS DO WHEN THEY DON’T AGREE WITH THE SCHOOL SYSTEM REGARDING AN IEP? They can disagree with the school system regarding any of the 3 areas of IEP Appropriateness, IEP Compliance, or IEP Discrimination.  You can choose only one of the areas. (See previous Blog!!!)

We need to use a collaborative approach to encourage families and professionals to develop a meaningful educational program designed to address all the student needs...

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Provocative Language - A Misunderstood Behavior - Autism, ADHD, TBI, and Tourette Syndrome

Provocative Language provides information on the interface between psychological practice, applied behavioral analysis, and social cognition training in an area that affects the education and welfare of children with specific disabilities like Autism, ADHD, TBI, and Tourette Syndrome. It provides insights on working with schools, mental health providers, and the criminal justice system. It describes principles for best practices and recommends procedures to be followed in IEP and goal...

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