Advanced Training That Will Differentiate You


We all take trainings - Few are Board Certified



Sign of Professionalism

Only the best practitioners, in any profession, declare their professional competence and mastery through acquiring Board Certifications, through their professional associations. It acknowledges competent and knowledgeable professionals who strive for excellence in this field.  NSEAI provides technical assistance, resources and professional development for applicants. Employers and clients know that they are hiring or contracting with a professional certified expert.


Online Board Certification for Education Advocates

Staying current in your field is an ongoing challenge. Professionals have to be flexible, versatile and continue to grow in order to keep their edge.  Our board certification program can help you stand out, stay current and make an impression that lasts.

By pursuing a board certification you can develop a deeper understanding of topics relevant to your field and learn critical skills for success.  Our courses are aligned with industry standards and NSEAI continuing education requirements. This makes it possible for you to enhance your career and prepare for new opportunities.

This Board Certification program can help you gain knowledge in the multiple profession cross training required for education advocates and in key areas so that you can demonstrate dedication and professional commitment. These courses can also provide a competitive edge and help you stay current on changes in your industry. For experienced professionals in this field it will let you refresh your current skills, deepen your understanding,  branch out and discover new areas within your practice .

Our online board certification program features

  • Flexible start dates for more convenient course scheduling.
  • Innovative online resources to strengthen your skills that were developed by faculty that have real-world experience.

We know that fitting continuing education into your busy schedule can be a challenge. That’s why we offer flexible online programs. Are  pursuing your education on a schedule that’s right for you by enrolling in this board certification program online, doing your coursework from the convenience of your home.



Our advocates are capable leaders with an expansive understanding of the multiple components of a Free And Appropriate Education. Due to the unique cross training they receive, they facilitate the creation of person-centered IEPs that result in competency-based functional outcomes for the students vs. just legally sufficient IEPs. Our advocates refine their skills of critical thinking, apply their knowledge, and collaborate with diverse groups to solve problems. They create exceptionally high impact that benefits the student and serves the public good, though both individual and systems advocacy.


50% Complete

Two Step

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