Take Your Advocacy Skills To The Next Level

12 One Day Courses.

The National Special Education Advocacy Institute, NSEAI, has been offering  BCEA™ trainings since 2008.  They offered the first and the only national Board Certified Education Advocate program.  This nationally recognized program is available for the benefit of parents & leaders in the education advocacy field, such as yourself.  

This is the first of 12 courses in a National Special Education Advocacy Training N-SEAT™ program.  It may stand-alone or be combined with the full 12 course program as the education prerequisite to the NSEAI Board Certified Education Advocate™ application.  This course was developed as a collegiate level course and is offered for continuing education credits through NSEAI.



Advanced Educational Advocacy - Comprehensive Disability Legislation and Policy


DURATION:                   16.21 hours

Lecture 5.21 hours in 16 videos with out of class assignments of 11.00 hours 
Academic institutions may accept 1.62 quarter credit hours or a no-credit / non-certification grade per course.


Embark on an in-depth journey through the critical landscape of disability legislation with our SPECIAL EDUCATION PROCESS course. Designed for aspiring and Master-level educational advocates, this course meticulously covers a wide array of pivotal laws and acts that shape the educational rights of individuals with disabilities.

 From the historical evolution of disability legislation to the intricate details of the U.S. Constitution's 14th Amendment, FERPA, ADA, and beyond, you will gain an expert understanding of legal and societal issues. Delve into the Fair Housing Act, Air Carrier Access Act, and other significant regulations like the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act, National Voter Registration Act, and the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act.

 Explore the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Rehabilitation Act, and the Architectural Barriers Act, and understand their profound impacts on educational policies. The course also covers essential acts such as the No Child Left Behind Act, Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and the Improving America’s Schools Act. Gain insights into HIPAA, Child Find, and landmark special education court cases.

 Additionally, you will learn about special education disciplinary actions, the 10 Principles of Special Education, and the 6 Principles of IDEA. The course culminates with a deep dive into the definition of educational advocacy and the vital roles special educational advocates play.

This thorough and comprehensive program condenses what would typically require multiple classes into one, providing you with a robust foundation to champion the rights of students with disabilities effectively.


Why It's Important:

For educational advocates, mastering the intricate details of disability legislation is crucial to ensure all students receive equitable educational opportunities.This thorough course equips you with essential knowledge and skills to navigate and influence policy, preparing you to make a significant impact. It serves as a foundational back door to education advocacy, providing crucial insights and tools, though it does not alone make an advocate.


How This Course Benefits Educational Advocates

Practical Knowledge and Legislative Insight

Educational advocates working with students with disabilities must navigate a complex web of laws and regulations. This course provides in-depth knowledge of crucial legislation such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and the Rehabilitation Act. Understanding these laws allows advocates to ensure their clients receive the accommodations and services they are legally entitled to, directly impacting day-to-day advocacy efforts.

Improved Advocacy Strategies

By comprehensively covering policies like FERPA, the Fair Housing Act, and HIPAA, this course equips advocates with the ability to craft well-informed, strategic advocacy plans. Advocates can more effectively argue for student rights, using their extensive understanding of legal precedents and policy specifics to support their cases.

Enhanced Communication with Stakeholders

The course’s focus on the 14th Amendment, special education court cases, and disciplinary actions provides advocates with the knowledge to communicate more effectively with educators, administrators, and policymakers. They can articulate the legal requirements and educational needs of students with disabilities, fostering better collaboration and outcomes.

Efficient Case Management

With thorough knowledge of the 10 Principles of Special Education and the 6 Principles of IDEA, advocates can streamline their case management processes. This ensures that they are consistently advocating within the bounds of the law, reducing the risk of legal missteps and improving the quality of their advocacy.

Comprehensive Skill Set

Condensing what would typically require multiple classes into one, this course ensures that advocates are not only well-versed in legislation but also skilled in practical application. This all-encompassing approach means they are better prepared to handle a variety of scenarios, from individual student advocacy to systemic policy changes, making them more effective in their roles.

Real-World Application

The knowledge gained from this course translates directly into real-world benefits. Advocates can confidently support students in securing necessary accommodations, resolving disputes, and ensuring compliance with educational laws. This leads to more successful advocacy outcomes and improved educational experiences for students with disabilities.


Specific Skills and Strategies Provided by the Course

  1. Legal principles related to regulations without legal expertise Interpretation 
  • Skill: In-depth understanding of key legislation such as the ADA, IDEA, and FERPA and it's application to the Education Advocacy field
  • Strategy: Learn to interpret regulations and apply them to real-world situations. This includes identifying relevant  precedents and understanding how they impact current advocacy practice.
  1. Effective Communication and Negotiation
  • Skill: Mastery of communication techniques tailored for interactions with educators, administrators, policymakers, and legal professionals.
  • Strategy: Develop strategies for persuasive communication, including how to present situations clearly and effectively, and how to document the need for specific accommodations and services for students.
  1. Case Management and Documentation
  • Skill: Proficiency in organizing and managing client files, including the compilation and preservation of necessary documentation.
  • Strategy: Implement systematic approaches to advocacy case management that ensure all relevant information is documented and easily accessible. Learn best practices for maintaining detailed records that support advocacy efforts not just due process efforts. (they are very different) 
  1. Strategic Planning and Advocacy
  • Skill: Ability to develop comprehensive advocacy plans that align with regulatory requirements and state and local educational policies.
  • Strategy: Formulate strategic plans that include setting objectives, identifying key stakeholders, and outlining steps to achieve desired outcomes. Learn to anticipate potential challenges and prepare solutions in advance.
  1. Navigating Bureaucratic Systems
  • Skill: Knowledge of the internal workings of educational institutions and governmental bodies.
  • Strategy: Gain insights into how educational and governmental systems operate, and learn strategies for effectively navigating bureaucratic processes. This includes understanding timelines, procedural requirements, and points of contact within institutions.
  1. Understanding and Applying Court Rulings
  • Skill: Familiarity with landmark special education changes and their implications.
  • Strategy: Analyze and apply findings from significant legislative changes to current advocacy work. Understand how precedents influence policy and practice within educational settings.
  1. Conflict Resolution and Mediation
  • Skill: Techniques for resolving disputes and mediating conflicts between families, schools, and other entities.
  • Strategy: Learn conflict resolution strategies that help advocates mediate disputes effectively. This includes understanding the interests of all parties involved and finding common ground to reach amicable solutions.
  1. Policy Development and Implementation
  • Skill: Ability to influence and contribute to the development of educational policies.
  • Strategy: Engage in policy development by understanding the legislative processes and participating in advocacy at the policy-making level. Learn about policy proposals and  their adoption and implementation.
  1. Ethical and Professional Standards
  • Skill: Adherence to enforceable ethical guidelines and professional standards in educational advocacy.
  • Strategy: Embed ethical considerations into all aspects of advocacy work, ensuring that actions taken are in the best interest of students and comply with professional standards.

By the end of this course, educational advocates will possess a robust set of skills and strategies crucial for navigating complex regulatory and bureaucratic processes. These include  analysis, effective communication, case management, strategic planning, understanding changes in interpretation, conflict resolution, policy development, and adherence to ethical standards. These competencies will empower advocates to better serve students with disabilities, ensuring their rights are upheld and their educational experiences are equitable and inclusive.


History of Disability Legislation  - Legal and Societal Issues
U.S. Constitution - 14th Amendment
Fair Housing Act
Air Carrier Access Act
Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act
National Voter Registration Act
Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act
Individuals with Disabilities Educational Acts
Rehabilitation Act
Architectural Barriers Act
The No Child Left Behind Act – NCLB -2001
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)-1965
Improving America’s Schools Act (IASA)
HIPAA -1996
Child Find
Important Special Education Court Cases
Special Education and Disciplinary actions
10 Principles of Special Education
The Six Principles of IDEA
Educational Advocacy Defined
The Roles of the Advocate


After completing the program, participants will:

•    Develop a basic understanding of Federal laws and landmark legal cases
     related to special education
•    Understand the difference between statutes and regulations
•    Understand roles and qualifications of those who participate in school meetings
•    Identify the key difference between IEP meetings, Informal Meetings, Mediation,
     Resolutions Meetings and Due Process.
•    Define basic concepts in special education including 6 principals and classifications
•    Define Key elements and principals related to:  ESY,  LRE, ER/ RR, Goals, Educational
     Needs, SDI, Highly qualified teacher,  Procedural Safeguards, Private Placement, Prior
     Written Notice, Stay Put, 504’s,



50% Complete

Two Step

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