Kim Taylor, BCEA

Kimberly serves on the Advisory Board of NSEAI.


Kim is a voice for those who often are not heard by providing education advocacy services at Education Advocacy Services and Consulting.

She has an educational and professional background in Early Childhood Development as well as being a home school teacher/facilitator. She is  a member of COPAA (Council of Parents Advocates and Attorneys) and several other professional organizations.

Kim Taylor's advocating in education started at a young age as she watched her parents actively advocate for her brothers who had unique learning challenges.

Kim and her husband adopted children from South Korea, as infants. Their son has had his own unique learning challenges and has a primary diagnosis of autism, with co-morbid diagnoses of learning disabilities, mild cerebral palsy, expressive and articulation language disorders and social skills challenges.

Kim has walked the difficult road that special needs families walk and realizes that there are many different and unexpected barriers to navigate.

She is an expert within the home schooling community and started a home school parent support group. She is a Board Certified Education Advocate - Fellow Level through NSEAI.

Kim gives back to her community with low cost and some pro bono advocacy services for families. She helps families obtain IEP’s, reviews IEPs for accuracy, reviews assessments, provides consultation, attends meetings with parents/caregivers, and provides a listening and compassionate ear to parents and caregivers.

Kim teaches parents/caregivers how to be the best advocates for their child, facilitates parent/caregiver discussion groups, offers workshops, speaks at school board meetings, uses social media to share her knowledge about current issues that parents are experiencing and is a facilitator for the Facebook pages “Education Advocacy” and “Special Needs Community of Hollister.


Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise, risking more than others think is safe, dreaming more than others think is practical, and expecting more than others think is possible.

Listen to an inteview with Kim Taylor below: